i like watching men dance

This is a sequel of sorts to my In Praise of Back-up Boys post. This time we’re going solo.

Parov Stelar. Whoa nelly.

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Radiohead, Lotus Flower. Thom Yorke‘s dancing is quite reminiscent of my weird dancy nightly ritual that I will never show you.

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Gene Kelly, and not the number you’ve seen a billion times. I have had a major, burning crush on Gene since I was small. Scene from It’s Always Fair Weather, when Gene was in his early 40s.

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“Rubber Band” kid. Wait till 00:37 and then prepare to get your mind blown.

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John Travolta, Saturday Night Fever. I had to include it. I’m not yet immune to the power of Tony Manero.

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  1. Violet on March 2, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    Damn, that Gene Kelly is fine!

    • hambox on March 2, 2011 at 12:17 pm

      I KNOW, right?