i’ll expect your tin or aluminum gifts shortly
(The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum. I really need some foil!)
Futureme.org is a pretty fun way to freak yourself out — you can send yourself emails anytime in the future. I don’t recall sending one to myself — but I did! I just received it a couple days ago, reminding me of my very special anniversary:
Dear FutureMe,
BeckyHaycox.com was created by me:
“Record created on 21-Apr-1999”Happy anniversary! Whoop whoop!
Indeed. Beckyhaycox.com is 10 years old. I’ve had a personal website for slightly longer than that, but I still remember the day I moved everything into my shiny new domain! I didn’t really have a plan for it, I just liked the idea of posting stuff and having friends look at it. Pretty much still le meme chose, don’t you reckon?
I have used Aplus.net as my web host almost since the beginning, and here I give them a glowing — and unsolicited! — endorsement. The total of my complaints:
- My site has been down maybe twice, maybe thrice, over the last decade
- I have felt occasional irritation at their customer service — but that’s the exception and not the rule
- I’m supposed to get some sort of credit for referring new business to them (which I’ve done about a dozen times) and they haven’t delivered on that.
And … that’s it. I give them 10 bucks a month, they keep my site visible and safe. It’s a perfectly serviceable arrangement. Much like my arrangement with my gigolo, Ramon.
Are you noticing there are a lot of significant anniversaries this year? ’89 and ’99, in particular, were whoppingly significant years for me — love, earthquake, big life-changing move .. and website!
Other beckyhaycox.com wankery from past posts:
- archive 1999: www.hambox.com
- way back when
- no one can explain it, even by goggling
- new blog layout part one
- new blog layout part two
Photo: foil #9, by flickruser halfofone. Thanks for letting me use it!
congrats and aluminum hugs. what a marvelous milestone! always ahead of the curve, you.
Get out of here. Get OUT! Ten years? TEN YEARS! You have just catapulted yourself to my blogging idol. The crazed stalking fan will emerge henceforth.
Congratulations! Your jet pack is in the mail.
Happy anniversary! Whoop whoop!
Cool! Was futureme.org called something else back then? I thought futureme.org was created in 2002… 7 years ago. I remember finding out about it and sending myself a 10 year email. Unfortunately, the email I used is one I no longer used. (One I’d had since 1991.) 🙁