i’ll tumble for ya
I have joined tumblr. They call themselves as a “short-form blogging platform,” I call it
the place for all the runty snippets that are too small and weak to become blog posts, but seem to thrive in this odd hothouse.
This is where I’ll be posting stuff that has no other home, and that really doesn’t deserve its own blog entry. Already, I’ve posted a couple videos I like, and a rare Love audio track, and a photo of a friend.
I think this is a great solution. For example, I love music, I know about music, I think about music a lot, and I hardly ever write about it. Because really, the world doesn’t need another music blogger gasbag. Now, I can post video and audio without any big stress. In other words, I can share neat stuff without feeling the need to craft a whole damn essay around it.
And I have a lot, a lot, of neat stuff to share.
I guess you can also follow your favorite tumblr blogs and comment and stuff like that. You can also subscribe via RSS.
So here it is: hambox tumblr blog. The feed is here.
This will not impact the hamblog, I promise. I still like to be a writing gasbag blogger on a regular basis.
If you’re Tumblr page is anything like anyone elses – then its kind of a cross between a blog and Twitter. More space than Twitter, but with more flexibility.
On a side note – as I scrolled down Tumblr – are you a BoingBoing fan??? I love that site.
Oh, yeah, all about the boingboing. It’s a little embarrassing how much it informs my personality.
What does it say about you?? What does it say about me?
No, really. I want to know. What does it say about me?
There are days when I don’t get any of my “news” but from boingboing. I rely on it too much, is all I’m sayin’.