important observations whilst browsing pelican jewelry on ebay

so-called pelicans

There is vastly more bad pelican jewelry than good pelican jewelry in the world.

Note to self: never tell anyone you’re interested in a simple, modern piece of pelican jewelry. People will hear “Becky collects pelicans!” and my world will fill up with cookie jars, puff-paint sweatshirts, and tote bags.

Many Americans who sell on eBay don’t/can’t distinguish between pelicans, flamingos, and toucans.

Okay, so pelicans can look goofy when their weird gullets are filled with fish and therefore open to caricature but they are also badass and extremely cool and where is the jewelry or art to reflect that?

Note to self 2: prepare for “pelican jewelry” comment spam.


  1. Jeana on January 8, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    First “pelican jewelry” comment spam-yes!! What are you doing looking on ebay? Etsy is where all the badass and extremely cool pelicans hang out. See?

  2. hambox on January 8, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    Yes, you’re right, Jeana, and I have perused, and indeed there is jewelry much much closer to the badass look I want. I was balking at the prices of the things I really wanted, hence, my jump over to the ‘bay.

    But taking a second look — I think I know *exactly* what I want. A silhouette of a pelican in full, military, menacing, badass flight — and commission a laser cutting company to create it in black plastic. Ooooooh yeah. Thanks, JL and Etsy!

  3. Jeana on January 8, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    OR…you could easily DIY it with blank shrink plastic. That way you could it make EXACTLY how you want. And you could make 100!

  4. Jeana on January 8, 2012 at 8:27 pm

    I meant BLACK shrink plastic. I’ve seen it at Michael’s.

  5. Ellen on January 13, 2012 at 11:10 am

    Personally, I like the pelican cleverly disguised as a flamingo!