
Just some hot shots of famous boys on the other side of the law. Hubba hubba.


  1. cardiogirl on January 25, 2009 at 4:21 am

    Alright then. David Bowie freaked. Me. Out. Too robot-like or something.

    And I do so enjoy Johnny Cash’s resigned fecking-A-here-go-again look.

    Lastly, Kiefer I know you’re trying to send the evil eye through the camera. It ain’t workin’.

  2. airboy on January 25, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    Very cool! I can imagine the dialogue between Keanu and the arresting officer: “No way!” “Way!” “No… WAY!” “WAY!”

    Somewhere there must likewise be a collection of famous *gals* on the wrong side of the law…

  3. Stacy Martin on January 25, 2009 at 8:26 pm

    Okay, the up collar on Mr. Pacino – looks like he got a little roughed up by the boys in blue before they slammed him into the chair to be photographed. Rrrrr, rrrrr – tough! And yes, Kiefer’s evil eye looks more like ACTING! then the real pissed off deal. I wonder what the cops thought when Bowie politely asked them to try not go and wrinkle his recently pressed suit….he actually looks like he’s smiling, ever so slightly. Unlike our bored, been-here-done-this-last-week (and the week before) Johnny “no. I don’t wear a tie, man” Cash. Keanu looks no different, I think he’s the robot in this line up.

  4. cloudy on January 26, 2009 at 12:56 pm

    What did Bowie do?

  5. Grace@PoeticHome on January 26, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    Hubba hubba is right! Ah, the bad boys (although I’m not sure if Keanu is classified as such) shall always pull at our heart strings.

    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! 🙂 I loved your generous gifting of the birdcage and its subsequent repurposing into a TP holder. Fantastic!