myPhone: jeers

Now that we have the positives about the iPhone out of the way, let’s dig in to the features (or lack thereof) that make me want to claw my face off:

  • Stinking, horrible Mail app. How do I hate thee? How about the lack of “Delete All Emails,” for starters?
  • Stinking, horrible Contacts app. How do I hate thee? How about the lack of search window for Contacts while in the app? And what about those stupid miniscule letters in the right column?
  • Cameras, both the native and Hipstamatic interfaces: putting the shutter button on the screen with no tactile clues as to where they are. Good luck, getting a photo in a hurry or a self-portrait. Did they fix this in the 4G?
  • Why can’t I do that pinchy zoomy thing on the windows I need to see bigger (like CONTACTS?)
  • I have yet to figure out a one-button solution to shut the phone up — so that it is completely silent but does not get turned off. Instead, there seems to be a myriad of volume/vibrate settings that one must futz with.
  • And the bigger picture. I use the iPhone, an iPod Touch, and three different computers. There is no way to sync all of them. Because, you know, that would be crazy — nobody uses more than one device! Why can’t I sync all my computers??? Why can’t I transfer my music, merge my apps and info and settings? (Ed. Note: I wrote this before Apple announced iCloud. That had better work, buddy boys.)
  • Why do I need it so much?


  1. yourpersonalstripper on June 22, 2011 at 9:53 pm

    As for Contacts (and a lot of other apps) just ‘click’ on the top bar. Then a search-option appears!!!