oh, god, i’m such a girl
Why the seemingly-sudden repopularity of assigning a female trait to stupid or wimpish behavior? Maybe just because I’m attuned to it that it seems, suddenly, everywhere.
I know it’s nothing new, sadly. But really, must you? Must I?
Typical scenario: man shows vulnerability, skittishness, emotion, or insecurity. Other man accuses him of having a vagina. Over and over. Movies, TV, twitter, radio.
So popular. It’s summer 2009’s version of “I threw up in my mouth a little.”
I think the mindless repetition of these phrases, a dull imitation of “humor,” bothers me as much as the sexism.
Reading this article from a few months ago, Five Sexist Trends the Advertising World Just Can’t Shake, gave me a start. I couldn’t remember how long I had read an editorial about sexism and the ad industry. I feel like people kind of gave up on trying to change it.
That’s about how far I’ll go with this flavor of diatribe, out here. But I’m depressed at the giant steps backward that perceptions of women have leapt, and how little any of us (myself included) care or don’t really think about it anymore.
Photo: Feminist fist, uploaded by Eva the Weaver. Thanks for letting me use it!
I’m with you, sister! And you’d be surprised–well, I’m surprised– by how many women and girls expect that the guy will pay for the whole date. Though I think that’s where their expectations end.
I think this is up there with “That’s soooo gay!”
Raise that fist, friend. I’m with you. xo Karly
Thanks, friends! Yeah, the “gay” thing is definitely another one. People get lazy and parrot “wit” from others without taking time to THINK, it seems. As if that’s anything new!
You are so right! I don’t consider myself to be at all prudish but that D&C ad referenced in the article crossed the line where they tried to be “artsy” and moved right over to offensive. “You throw like a girl” was accepting to us as young children.