on hold again

Today was supposed to be my Fourth Friday Challenge with Paulie Tevis but I need to delay the game.

I started getting what I thought was a sinus infection yesterday, which triggered a horrible, horrible migraine (what migraines aren’t horrible, horrible?) I had to cancel plans with some friends, really good plans, and that made the suck even worse.

Oh, wait, there’s more suck today! It’s looking like I’ve contracted another cold, even before I’ve completely shook the symptoms of the previous cold, the one that started near the beginning of June, the worst cold I’ve ever had.

I’m feeling pretty despairing right now. I’ve been living my life more healthily than I have in years, but I keep getting hit with these viruses.

Oh, and more suck: I’m supposed to be going away Saturday to a Big Fun Celebration Weekend. If I have to cancel that I’m going to have to hurt somebody. Who, I don’t know yet. Did you give me this cold? Then, you. I’m going to hurt you.


  1. Carol on July 22, 2011 at 10:43 am

    Stop licking the shopping cart handles, that is what is making you sick.

  2. Darling Andrew on July 22, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    I wish you perfect health and a brilliant weekend. That is what I wish…