rally ho!

On November 15, Ventura joined in on the nationwide protest against the passage of Proposition 8. My friend Jeff started off the day being greeted by a drive-by knucklehead yelling “faggot!” Just more impetus to get over to the park and start some solidarity. There were a few other onlookers and drivers who voiced their opposition, but overall I was pretty pleased with the turnout in Ventura, and everywhere. I’m hoping the next march will be for victory, not protest! If you click on the slideshow above, you can see some pictures and videos. Direct link to photos and video

I do not remember the exact last time I marched. I was quite the activist youth, truth be told. Some of the causes I hit the streets to support:

  • No nukes!
  • Take Back the Night (safe streets for women)
  • Give Ireland back to the Irish
  • A spontaneous joyful/violent rally in the Castro after Harvey Milk’s murderer committed suicide
  • George HW Bush is a big mistake
  • Get out of my uterus
  • Reagan is a total asshole
  • Reagan is a complete fucking idiot
  • Reagan can kiss my ass
  • The Gulf War is wrong
  • The newer Gulf war is wronger

Related hamblinks:


  1. andrew on November 18, 2008 at 7:14 am

    Your Rally had some excellent posters, and I heard a chant in there on your video that is going to be hard to get out of my head anytime soon…

  2. cloudy on November 18, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Great footage. We had an excellent turn out in Seattle, too. The world is changing. Way too slowly, but it is. It has to.