Recent Facebook status updates made to sound like poetry

Moya wide awake before it is light.
Cindy is leaves. dirt. campfires. pumpkins. lakes.
Phil is dreaming.
Arjun is too lazy to sleep.

Andrew saw a man with an improbable pair of wooden shoes
Shaun is ahwa-ahwa-ahwa wanh-wanh-wahhhh.
Kurt is thinking of the scream in “Roller Coaster of Love”.
Colleen Hunganunga!

Cyrus wants to frak a toaster.
Annika is sitting on her fitness ball, working her core.
Steve is not making Shrinky Dinks.
Daniel has noticed a theme of dogs in backpacks today.

Monica is making waves.
Adi’s sex is on fiiiire.
Jayne did it!
Tristy is disappointed.

Stacy is frustrated with people.
Cindy is really? seriously?
John will ride his bike home soon.
Mark has been enjoying the journey very much indeed.

Scott is opposing the cosmos.
Suzie is pondering what’s to come.
Jennifer is still unpacking her apartment in her mind.
Thessaly dislikes goodbyes.

Thanks to my facebook friends and to mpancha for his photo Facebook Halloween Costume (Creative Commons license). Thanks for letting me use it!


  1. cloudy on November 2, 2008 at 1:38 pm


  2. jen on November 2, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    love it. i find myself thinking in Facebook language at times. scary!

  3. regina on November 2, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    I love the kaleidoscope of words! 🙂