
tree in a tree

Tree in a tree, taken by my disappointing new camera. New resolution: stop buying cameras, learn to make the best of the ones I have

I am taking back the concept of the New Year Resolution, much like many people seemed to take back the sentiment “Merry Christmas” last year. So out it’s all in again. Apparently.

Why not take advantage of that fresh n shiny n new spirit that January 1 brings? Frankly, my relief that the holidays are over gives me an anything goes, almost giddy optimism. So I’m going to make resolution-checks that (hopefully and somewhat literally) my ass will cash.

Predictable Pledge of more movement, less eating of poison: I am pleased that I am still pretty fit since starting the process 1.5 years ago, but late fall/early winter marked a loosening of my health regimen (and a tightening of everything else.) A fantastic motivator is any time my picture is snapped while I’m on stage; the unflattering angle makes me look chinny and orby and not exactly in the best way.

No more Red Vines. I don’t like them, not even a little bit, and a ridiculous amount have been eaten by my mouth since they seem to have become the theatre’s edible mascot, always lurking in their giant tubs. This resolution follows past, successful  food bans: steak fries, eggplant, most soda.

Meditate more days than not this year. So far, so good.

Destroy all debt. It’s getting there, but I vow to consult with a professional to spank my finances into submission (that was unintentionally dirty).

Consciously work on reducing my road rage. I can feel the months being minused from my life as the stress chemicals squirt into my system with every “bleeping watch where you’re bleeping going, bleeperbleeper” I yowl.

Wish every person a good wish on Facebook on their birthday. That sounds lame but what the hell!



  1. Carol Moore on January 7, 2012 at 9:09 am

    I have a suggestion, not that you asked for one, but what the hell. I combine some meditation with my driving. Turn off the radio and just be quiet with yourself for part of the drive. You won’t care about the other drivers, you will just be. There ya go – two birds one stone thingie.