
heart you

The old demolished Oxnard High School, 2008

I always felt insanely resentful of “Back to School” sale alerts in the middle of the summer when I was a kid. It was like this stifling wet blanket brought down upon the previously fun proceedings. I don’t know about you, but school was pure hell about 90% of my grade and high school career, so the chirpy “stock up on socks and notebook paper!” advertising was only good for producing ulcers.

Now, with advertising calendars being pushed ever earlier, not to mention school calendars also getting earlier, I’m sure today’s youth get very few carefree weeks before the Thumb of the Man starts a-pressing down anew.

It’s sometimes just awesome to be an adult.

Here are some school-related factoids that make me smile:

  • I have a friend who went to Pearl Harbor High School. I find that adorable, and it goes a long way to erasing my mind’s images of screaming kamikaze, and replacing them with a sweet little school next to a plumeria-scented bay.
  • My boyfriend attended Haycox Elementary — named after my paternal grandfather!

[direct link]

Finest lyrics ever.

Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can’t even think of a word that rhymes


  1. Violet on July 26, 2011 at 6:55 am

    I find myself wincing on behalf of schoolkids at those ads. It’s only July! They just got out, right?