My brother-in-law last Christmas.

Excellent dog, 2010.

Fair in the woods, 2003.

Dave, 2010.

Napping clones, 2009.

Becky and Liz with their “cool” faces at the wedding, 2006.

Rules, rules, rules. 2008.

Sleeping student at UCSB, 2007.

Sad congested robot, 2008.
Sad congested robot is my favorite. He’s so sad!
Aw, I recognize most of these – goes to show your pictures are unforgettable 🙂
(had a longer comment, but after two “you forgot to enter the CAPTCHA Code and one
“Error: You entered in the wrong CAPTCHA phrase. Press your browser’s back button and try again” the bird of eloquence has kind of left the cage ;))