shoe luck 2

buy one pair, get two pairs FREE

After the last shoe score, I was hoping I could break myself out of the habit of the idiotic platform flipflops to which I keep defaulting to wearing.

But no. Still haven’t rehabbed. So, off I went to the constant, ongoing megasale over at a local store downtown — buy one pair, get TWO PAIRS FOR FREE. How can I resist?

The flats at left will hopefully be the more chic go-to summer shoes. The navy canvas wedges at right are shocking comfy; I hope that they will also be a regular shoe. And the silver ones? Well, they’re silver shoes!

Okay. After I spend my Groupon at yet another shoe store, I will be done buying shoes for the summer. I promise.

I just lied.



  1. Violet on July 1, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    I love all those shoes so much! Good finding!