Perhaps it was my recent, brief-and-sparkling vacation from my diet (ribs? yes, ribs!) or last night’s hot-tubbin’, or the fact that the dishes got done by Tuesday Becky, but things feel somewhat OK these days. Despite a little cold, even.
I stopped by a craft store to pick up a glitter pen to personalize Xmas stockings for our department’s newer employees (oh yes, the Physics Dept. does the holidays up). I had a couple questions, and located a store worker — the most pinched-face, stressed-out, black-hearted woman I had encountered in a long time. There were only a handful of customers but she was beside herself. She unloaded a full litany of complaints to my faux-sympathetic ears.
I became aware that I am without any holiday-related stress. None! No stress! It is an immense relief to experience the holidays whatever way I want to: I don’t have any higher-status family member to answer to, nor do I have in-laws, nor kids expecting whatever shrieking animatronic noisemaker that is in mode this year.
Sometimes having a lack of some of the above causes me deep sadness. But not right now. I’m going to visit my sister for Christmas, and I just received a missive: we’re not exchanging gifts. Yesss! Then NYC for New Years, which will be celebrated with T&R and without any loaded passive-aggression whatsoever.
God bless me, every Becky.
Photo: Flora under the tree, originally uploaded by flickr user Sarah Cool. Thanks for letting me use it!
If you want to, you can share in some of my HRS. If only to keep you in yule spirits. I’ll buy you a zombie…
“faux-sympathetic ears” well said. I’m taking that one home with me.
I know I should feel it – the stress. I have somewhat 20 gifts to buy, haven’t written a single card yet, haven’t baked one of those four kinds of cookies I’ve promised my mother to provide. But I don’t! Feel the stress, that is. I’m in denial about X-mas being here soon. Totally. Sigh…
Andrew, are you talking about buying me a zombie, as in one of the undead? That would be the coolest Xmas gift ever!
Dagda: listening with faux-sympathy includes the random murmurs of “aw”, “wow”, and “i’m sorry”. I’m very good at that, as I am the daughter of a psychiatrist.
Ã…sta: I know the Norwegians take this holiday much more seriously than we do.. I mean, you have DAYS of Christmas, fer Pete’s sake. We are rooting for you and good luck with it all!
By the way, the awesome picture of Flora the cat, above, makes me laugh every time. Apparently, Flora’s owner had to tie the Christmas to the french doors so that the cat would stop knocking it over! Ha haaa!