I had written a weird little post about being unable to rise to the occasion and find thanks for what I have, how Thanksgiving (and NabloPoMo!) makes me grumpy, whine bitch moan.
But somehow (a holiday miracle?) I managed to access the Gratitude Gland and the humility, it finally started flowing. I’m sounding a little sarcastic but I don’t mean to.
So, hey, thanks. I have a great group of friends and family and I love you.
An eleventh hour twist of fates has me cooking up a mini-Thanksgiving meal for an elderly relative, so I gotta get back to the stuffing fluffing. Here are some shiny internet objects to help get you through the day!
GET THE MEANING OF THANKSGIVING (mid-century American style)
A Day of Thanksgiving from the Prelinger Archives [Direct link]
From the description in the archive:
1951. An American family unable to afford a Thanksgiving turkey reviews the things for which they feel thankful. This patriotic film is unusual in that it does not link freedom and happiness with the pursuit of wealth. Produced with nonprofessional actors in Lawrence, Kansas.
This film is so earnest, my ironic, pop-culture-soaked 21st century self had a rough go of it. Perhaps you’ll have better luck.
Caramel Pumpkin Gingersnap Cheesecake
This recipe, developed by The Pioneer Woman, looked great so I sent the link to a coworker on Tuesday. Little did I know she would bake it that every evening and bring it into work yesterday! I’m so totally non-bakey, it seems like a little miracle to me, the words and ingredients merging into a tasty treat. And lord, the cake. She omitted the nuts and caramel, so it wasn’t overboard rich and sweet. It was almost like a chiffon pie. And it was simply wonderful. And gone by 9:30am.
How to Deal with Difficult Relatives
Here’s a step by step guide. (thanks for the photo, ohsoabsurd)
Perhaps you can break the ice with your druncles by telling some jokes. To wit:
If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
Their AGEHow do you keep a turkey in suspense?
I’ll tell you at Christmas.Why does a pilgrim’s pants always fall down?
Because they wear their belt buckle on their hat.
Over and out. Have a great holiday.
I simply cannot wait until xmas to find out How you keep a turkey in suspense, so you better tell me now! Wait…DOH!
I answered your questions over at the Sky Falling. Thanks for those, it is fun when otyhers show an interest.
I had a dream you were having a parfait party and I told you : “I am totally into parfaits right now”.
Happy holidays to you, my dearest Becky!
Thanks for answering those questions. I try to not sound ignorant, but I really want to know!
Wow, parfait. That sounds totally good, and would “Parfait Party” look great on an invitation? If I were to analyze this dream, I would know that “parfait” is “perfect” in French, so you are giving me a compliment by calling me the perfect party hostess. Thanks, Cloudy!
And a big squeeze to you and yours, dearest Colleen!
The film warmed my heart. I was most thankful for the baby…