tumblr roundup: drums, home edition, the art of not working

Here are some words I posted to tumblr over the past few days. There’s lots more of music-y, linky, video-y goodness over at the hambox tumblr space, including a video I made of our 4-day rainy season.

drums in the sky

We had some wild weather this afternoon, including a thunderstorm — rare to these here parts. When the storm was right overhead, and a thunderclap cracked the sky, I made a startled yip sound that sounded exactly like my childhood dog, Maudie.

I was one of those sorry suckers that believed that Maudie was “sent to live on a ranch” in Texas after my parents’ marriage exploded and no one could take care of her anymore. I believed it till about my mid 20s.

to my neighbor across the way

Now that I saw the “must vacate in 30 days” notice on your door, you shall never divulge the solutions to these mysteries:

  • Is that chick your daughter or your wife?
  • Who coughed every morning at 11am for about half an hour?
  • What’s it like being a mailman?
  • What’s it like dragging your leaking garbage downstairs without cleaning it up?
  • Why did you continue to slam the pool gate after the landlady told you to stop?

That’s the extent of intrigue around here these days. Guess it’s better than other neighbor situations I have been in:

  • Big Ed, the downstairs wifebeater
  • The filthy child upstairs who threw garbage out her window (which piled up in front of my window)
  • The parents of the filthy child, AKA the floor-sanding-at-3am people
  • The freaky screamy afternoon sex couple

stupid idea

Wouldn’t it be horrifying if Facebook turned into Meanbook for the day, and it would show all your previously-hidden actions — like ignoring friend requests, hiding friends’ news feeds, blocking applications? Also, Meanbook would display a clock of how much cumulative time you’ve been on Facebook. And maybe it would figure out a way to extract the meanest and/or most salient bits of your emails.

I hate Meanbook.


  1. Lisa on January 27, 2010 at 10:09 am

    We had the tossing the garbage out the windows neighbors. The father was a toothless male-to-female (in progress) six foot tall ex cop transexual. The daughter was incapable of having a conversation at any volume below a scream. The dogs were mangy and smelled from three storeys down. They were kept chained to the radiators, which created all sorts of weird clanking noises.

    Few things were weirder than to look up from gardening and see this scarecrow of a neighbor, walking up the path in bad Nancy Reagan drag.