two moments of feline grace

Flickr now has video loading capabilities — hurray. Here are a couple of short clips of the lovely and talented Strabo, who lives in Queens, NY and owns my friends Tamar and Rich. Strabo performed his bathtub Pas d’Un while I was visiting at the end of 2006. Note how he holds his pose and looks at the camera at the end of the interludes.

Update: Strabo is a boy; I made my corrections and my apologies. Also, some people can’t see the video embeds, because 15 years of browser development just isn’t enough to make the internet work right. Direct links to the movies here and here.


  1. cardiogirl on April 12, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Love the graceful abilities of Strabo. In the first video I thought he was standing on a dresser and then fell into the air defying gravity. I was like what kind of robo-cat is that? Then I realized he was in the bathtub and was not, in reality, defying gravity.

    But it’s fun to watch it and think that way.