WFMU gateway


pointing at my shirt, that is what i am doing.

I have mentioned WFMU plenty in this here blog but have not really devoted a post to it, even though WFMU one of the reasons my world goes ’round in such a happy, twirly way.

It’s one of the last independent free-form stations and has a really interesting history. The DJs offer up a bizarrely wide variety of aural stimulation and really, you have no excuse not to listen, if you like new and different things, and have any kind of internet connection. Oh, and ears — you need ears, too.

I have a close connection to this station, thanks to my friends J. and A. getting married in the mid-ish 1990s. There at the reception, I met Mr. Finewine and Tamar of WFMU and Becky’s-personal-history fame. I don’t think Tamar was a DJ quite yet at that point, but Finewine was and I remember going to New York in 1995 (I think?) and accompanying him to FMU’s old Upsala College location for his show. I also was on Tamar’s show way back at the beginning of the millennium.

Well, then Tamar met Rich, another FMU DJ, and they kind of hit it off, and a couple years they got married in New York — by me! So either I have a rich and rewarding connection with WFMU or I seem to have a problem with only making friends with people who are DJs. And then marrying them.

So, what’s the upshot of this story, apart from the attempt to give myself hipster cred by aligning myself with the coolest radio station in the world (and the people that make it awesome?)

It’s pledge time for WFMU, and boy, do they need you, being entirely listener-supported and all. The swag you get when you lay some cash on them is beyond compare. Fifty bucks nets you a tee-shirt design by Tim Biskup. The DJ premiums are excellent (look for Rich’s), and it only gets better from there. Glow in the dark poster of New Jersey? Yes, please.

I need and love WFMU. I need it to be around. I plan to give still it stings like a tennis ball to the face.

C’mon, you guys. Give a little.


  1. Tamar on February 26, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Ya’ll listen to Becky! And to WFMU! The WFMU marathon puts the FUN into fundraising; if you listen (starting Feb 28), you’ll find lots of opportunities to win prizes and get thanked on the air when you pledge your support. And maybe you can get Yo La Tengo to play a song for you on Friday evening. (Oh no, I’m shilling on Becky’s blog!)

  2. Carol Moore on February 26, 2011 at 9:46 pm

    We it all looks very titillating.

  3. Melissa on February 27, 2011 at 12:09 am

    I love this photo of you…you have won me over, I will donate!

  4. hambox on February 27, 2011 at 12:57 am

    Yaaaaay! And bonus points for the tit joke!

  5. Violet on February 27, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Hooray! This is a good cause, indeed.

    Come visit me at my new locale! Yeehaw!