I have no idea why the microphone caught my eye today as I was working, but there it was, a nice studio mic that I use to record narration for the podcasts I produce.
I don’t remember when I started singing into it, or when I started playing it back, and singing along to myself, and recording that.
And apparently, I went into an old folder of cheapie video clips that my sister and I recorded while at the Ventura County Fair in 2005.
Then I made a video. And put it on YouTube.
There are only two known recordings of me singing — well, now there’s three, I guess. Huh.
I *LOVE* your song! Granted, it’s prime earworm material. However, considering the tune, I shall refer to is as earcaterpillar. One of those cute fuzzy types with black and orange stripes. 🙂
Great work!
What a delight! I can’t imagine a better musical accompaniment.
Man regina beat me to the punch! I will have that little tune in my head for at least 2.8 days. But what a fun little ditty and acoustic at that! Awesome and the video was really cool. Well done sister!
omigod, I love it! Let’s see how viral it gets– and I mean that in a good way!
Thanks! My ears, too, are worming something fierce after la-la-la-ing over and over!
Darling Andrew and I recently talked about pushing oneself, creatively, into the discomfort zone. I think that’s what prompted me to do something (to me) unthinkable — to be creative musically, even though I have the mantra of “I’m not a musician/I’m not musical” always going on in my head.
Such a beautiful edge you’ve pushed your chair towards… I am speachless.
Wow, I love it! La, La, La tee da! Very elegant and playfully tasteful. I give it to numby fingers up. Love you mucho. Lets do a duet sometime soon or dinner or something, huh?
Oh wow…..that was cool!
Great job!
I LOVE this. It is SO sweet and precious.
I recently had a new singing, boundary-pushing experience…it involves puppets and karaoke. Film at 11.
Totally love! MORE! MORE!