Day 23: Today, I listened

Day 23: Today, I listened, originally uploaded by hambox. Podcasts are the thin film of delicious jelly that keeps the insanity away from the sanity during my shitty, shitty commute. In no particular order, this is what gets me through a week. Devoutly downloading: RadioLab (recently discovered; currently gorging myself on the free archives) The…

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Day 22: Today, I grilled indoors

Day 22: Today, I grilled indoors, originally uploaded by hambox. The Palms Restaurant, Carpinteria, California. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group

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Day 21: Today, I worried but not enough to do anything about it

Day 21: Today, I worried but not enough to do anything about it, originally uploaded by hambox. A hissing, freezing, leaking nitrogen tank. Troubling enough to pause, take a picture, then get the hell upstairs to my office. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group

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Day 20: Today, I drank coffee

Day 20: Today, I drank coffee, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group This is my mug that I keep at work. Helloooo, eighties! I believe it’s what’s called, from the olden days, a “commuter mug”. It’s triangularly shaped, with a rubberized pad on…

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Day 19: Today, I organized

Day 19: Today, I organized, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group I am grateful to my new favorite Org-Porn* blog, Unclutterer, for planting a seed that came to fruition today: it was a post about organizing one’s fabric stash that spurred me to…

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Day 18: Today, I was crafty

Day 18: Today, I was crafty, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group Update: You can see more pictures of the quilties here Finished two baby blankets today for a pair of impending twins. Glad I have my sewing machine out again! It was…

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Day 17: Today, I ate fast food

Day 17: Today, I ate fast food, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group I cringe a little at the mundanity of my life when documenting it on a daily basis. I do not like fast food, it does not like me. Dyfunctional relationship…

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Day 16: Today, I encountered a lucky sign … or an omen

Day 16: Today, I encountered a lucky sign … or an omen, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group Mom, if you’re watching from heaven, please don’t notice the fact I’m doing 60 while using a camera.

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a little experiment

I have an email that is lurking in my inbox and just the sight of it there gives me mild agita. It’s not a horrible letter, nor earth-shattering news — just a little e-thorn in my i-side. A gnat-sized bête noire. A summer cold. A paper cut. You get the picture. I have decided not…

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