Diary Entry: December 3, Age 15

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [back story: I was in love with Dane (not his real name) for approximate one thousand, one hundred and twelve days during high school. you will hear about him a lot this month!] I got hit in the face…

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visual shift

Update: I totally won a NaBloPoMo prize! A blog makeover from the awesome kerflop! I can’t believe it! I have uploaded a new theme for this blog that reflects winter! and the holiday spirit which I am in! All content is the same — the sidebar’s a little wonky, but we’ll leave it for now.…

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Diary Entry: December 2, Age 16

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting actual excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! I’m bored. With life. I would love to go somewhere exciting. Not necessarily “new and different,” but just exciting . I’d love to go to the Midwest right now (run away), and just have myself an experience. Wow…

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Diary Entry: December 1, Age 14

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting actual excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [backstory: I was new to town, and it was my first year of high school. The only girl who would befriend me was Naomi — she had a bad reputation and got me in a lot of trouble…

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cheezin for the season

Welcome, chum! I hope that you will enjoy this online advent calendar, my greeting to you. Each day from December 1st through the 25th features a photo, a fun link to follow, and a deeply embarrassing excerpt from one of my many teenage diaries — I will choose one that corresponds with that day’s date.…

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