another internet friendship made “real”

I had the utter delight of meeting Polly of the inimitable Pollyanna Cowgirl in July, then basking in her presence a second time in San Francisco. Lucky me! We’ve been internet buddies for ages, so the face-to-face was ABOUT TIME. I first cornered her at her booth at last month’s Renegade Craft Fair, where I…

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boombox in the courtyard

me in 1983 Amy Rigby nails my middle-aged, angst-ridden soul today. If you’re anywhere near her age or mine, something might resonate to you (buy her album here). Everything she says pretty much is me, except I did not pursue playing music in any way. Also, I fell in love the first time a little…

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can’t put it off any longer

I’m off to the Department of Motor Vehicles! Hooray! There’s a whole lot of paperwork for the two us to get done! After I try to sort out two separate snarled tangles of bureaucracy for two cars, then I get to take the new (to me) car to see how much I can pay the…

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consider this popsicle stand blown

I have about fourteen thousand things to do between now and when my lovely man gives me a ride to the airport, so I can get out of town for a couple days. Most annoying task on the list: driving 40 minutes round trip just to retrieve my forgotten cell phone. I fantasize about whistling…

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I often take the surface streets to work, and often take a road that goes parallel with the beach in Ventura, and then goes past the fairgrounds. Yesterday I got stuck on this road, behind a convoy of trucks waiting to get on the freeway. Looking closer at the trucks, I realized they were the…

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rich looks to peaches to be by his side

[direct link] I still can’t really look at the 80s without getting a headache. This clip, however, is mesmerizing. For the record, I would like to state that: although this was the era of my youth, I had absolutely nothing in common with these morons. I was an entirely different breed of moron with a…

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love the one you’re with, kinda

Yesterday’s morose post brought up an interesting comment from my dear friend Jefffro: We create our own families sometimes. I know that having living relatives does not always equal having the support of those people. He goes on to say some lovely things about me and about the friendship between us, which I value as…

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fine lines between “free” and “alone” and “lonely”

I have no parents and only sporadic contact with the rest of my family. Exceptions: my Elderly Relative, my locally-living nephew, and my sister Ann. This makes me feel very free, and very lonely, in equal measure. Sometimes, when responsibilities pile up (as they are doing now) that family-free-falling-feeling makes me feel a tiny touch…

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juvenile and surreal fair moments

That sticker on my t-shirt says “squeeze me.” Troy, Turquoise, Jeff. Myopic avocado. And it only gets stupider here. Thanks, Ventura County Fair. You know how much I love you.

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sweet-ass ride

Yikes! I bought a car! One of the many to-dos on my bulky to-do list was removed today, thank you very much. My elderly Saturn was quietly but firmly telling me that its life was coming to an end, what with every indicator light flashing every time I turned the key in the ignition. Not…

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