what i look like

This went the rounds of Facebook recently and it made me laugh and laugh. There’s something about the ridiculous juxtaposition of doing something so personal so publicly that, if one does not laugh, one will cry. I often run at a popular beach park and usually can just go to another mental space when I’m…

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tough girl

Vintage tough girls make me nervous, even though they are no direct threat to me. The Shangri-Las evolved, image-wise, to be these street-wise 60s girls. I love everything about them, but I always feared them a little, too. Tough girls in a 60s, smoking, big-hair style — it would have been so much better (for…

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a post about leather jackets

Yes, a post about leather jackets. This is my 322th consecutive post. OKAY? Leather jacket #1 In my 20s, I saved up my measly pennies and bought a real live leather jacket at one of those SoMa shops in San Francisco for the enormous fortune of $100. It was very much of the early-90s times,…

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the 1970s: five ladies, three years

1970 This is the first shot of the first episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show (aired September 19, 1970). We’ve got a hat trick of the very best of that cusp year of 60s-to-70s fashion. Phyllis is modern 70s women (purple tie, yellow patent leather heels!), Mary is still go-go-groovy with the boots and…

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kool aid sky

This was a nice run. The air felt like I was wearing a gossamer wrap, very lightly heated. I didn’t happen to have music with me so all I heard was my inhale (lasting one footfall) and exhale (lasting two): huh huh ahh .. huh huh ahh .. huh huh ahh I stopped just long…

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beer and baloney pie

Carol took me to task a tiny bit regarding yesterday’s post: Carol: The obvious comment here is “you had dough laying around”???? Ah, yes, it looks like I threw that in there, in a classic move of disingenuousness — “oh, gracious, I’m such a modest (but perfect) housekeeper, I have nothing in my fridge but…

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being pomme-led to death

The house where the Boyfriend lives has a backyard with a garden and trees and such. The recent (incredibly annoying) winds suddenly made all the apples fall from one of his trees. Yesterday he brought over a huge amount of these apples, a psychotic amount, at least to this city girl’s eyes. I knew what…

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the man in the newspaper suit

I asked you to remind me to tell you about the man in the newspaper suit. I still have so many east coast trip stories to tell. I was walking down the street towards the apartment in which I was staying in New York. It’s a very lovely street in Chelsea. Sitting on a stool…

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it ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it

A delightful tableau found in my parking lot this morning. So tempted to make this my Christmas card. Oh, holidays. Now begins my tiresome yearly struggle with November/December. I’m working hard, this time, to get on board with a certain amount of good will as we hurtle towards the ho-ho-HOOOO. Violet said something about this…

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call of doody

Oh, yes, it’s a poop post. I really do try to refrain from discussing poop here. Most of the time. But not now! So I got into my car right after a run a couple days ago and it was pretty evident right away, from the smell, that I had stepped in dog poo. My…

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