purge-a-tory: music

I seem to remember my father doing this at various points of his life — his intellect rising up against his soft and comfortable heart. This would manifest itself by a big purge of his life — all fat would be stripped, both of body and mind. He would give away all his artifacts, his…

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apropos of nothing

6:57am: I realize, for the first time ever, that “Hat trick” and “Patrick” rhyme. Two minutes later, I remember with a start that I had a dream about Tom Green last night. I muse about how dated goatees look now. I wonder what, in the future, will stand out as the extra-awful trends of the…

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gentle palette refresher

Ok! So! Let’s all have a little distracting fun, shall we? I, for one, need a little time off from the thinking and the feeling and the opening up a can of wormsing. Fortunately, I have delicious and I know how to use it, so let me bring you scoopfuls of good stuff from my…

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flamer in the worst way

Moya and Leanne and lots of other awesomely brave humans worked their asses off trying to retain the right of people of all non-“traditional” gender combinations to marry. And, well, Proposition 8 passed, sadly. And, well, M and L and all the others will keep going, keep fighting for legalization of gay marriage. And I’ll…

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out of the mouths of crackpots

As there tends to be with, well, pretty much everywhere, the place at which I work (a physics department) draws peripheral people, brooders, people with time on their hands. In the spirit of building a better mousetrap, these people like to challenge the currently-accepted laws of physics, offer alternate theories, do a little blue-sky thinkin’.…

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my lips are unsealed

After the Debacle of 2000, when that man, the worst leader in our history, illegally and improperly took office, I made a vow. I would never, ever say his name out loud. And I stuck to it. Never once have I uttered the name of the person who I never believed was, or should be,…

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waiting for my man

My nerves are shot, waiting for the results. Good lord. All I can do is to will time to pass and try to take some snapshots in my mind, of this agonizing historic day. I got to Blanche Reynolds Elementary School at 6:45 and already there were 20 people in line. By the time I…

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random thoughts on this year’s falling back

We did not have Daylight Savings Time (DST) in Arizona, where I grew up. It didn’t make life easier; in fact, it was an annoyance, having to figure out the time in other zones, which (of course) was different, depending on the time of year. As DST is vaguely tied into the Industrial Revolution, I…

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Recent Facebook status updates made to sound like poetry

Moya wide awake before it is light. Cindy is leaves. dirt. campfires. pumpkins. lakes. Phil is dreaming. Arjun is too lazy to sleep. Andrew saw a man with an improbable pair of wooden shoes Shaun is ahwa-ahwa-ahwa wanh-wanh-wahhhh. Kurt is thinking of the scream in “Roller Coaster of Love”. Colleen Hunganunga! Cyrus wants to frak…

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