another sign of the end of the world

What’s sadder than a pimp cup? A “pimp stein.” Made of the cheapest plastic possible. And marketed towards women. Couldn’t decide between this one or “Princess.” Thanks, Ross Dress for Less! You do indeed have everything I need in the whole entire world.

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the coffee shop around the corner from my office

I ordered a Red Eye from the guy behind the counter. The girl making it didn’t understand his code, but I kind of like it. A Red Eye is a regular coffee with a shot of espresso added to it. I drink this a lot. Usually with a tiny whisper of cream and a dash…

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the celery parallel

Do you know that factoid about celery? That a piece of celery burns more calories to consume than the calories it contains? I think of that sometimes in my crazytime cardio class, when my teacher decides to play the 90-minute Mega Remix CD of the Black Eyed Peas. To wit: whatever physical benefits I derive…

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My mother. I’m going to guess this was an election day party sometime in the 1980s. The hat is a question mark hat (backwards, puzzlingly). I can’t remember the name of the friend she’s clutching, who is wearing a crown. Of course, it could have just been a regular get-together, and mom may have decided…

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sending your weekend into a psychedelic spin

My old college buddy Curtis, with whom I’ve recently reconnected with on Facebook (what, really?? that never happens!!) sent me this little gem in commemoration of my birthday yesterday. [direct link] Keep watching. It starts weird, and keeps ramping the weirdness. I feel at times that I was put on this earth to behold art…

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state of the union

Me about half an hour ago, just woken up. Still processing tequila and filet mignon from last night. Chicken pox scar above eyebrow. It’s my birthday today. I don’t often perform self-assessment on my birthday, but I’m feeling very low-key about this year so why not run some analytical checks upon the thing that is…

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that’ll show me

I woke up stupidly early, answered some emails (my boss: “what are you doing up so early? stop it!”) and thought about starting my day for real. I made one more attempt to sink back into sleep, which worked, I guess. Next thing I knew I was looking for the source of an awful smell…

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things i want – hot weather edition

To drive while people are playing guitar and singing in the car To wear a brightly colored dress and earrings and go out to dinner while in Mexico To come upon a peacock, completely unexpectedly To feel that endorphin rush thing while running To find glitter around the house for WEEKS afterwards To hear locusts…

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have a bowl of failure.

At a thrift store recently (the one with the d-bag), my friend and I spotted these beauties. As I said on Facebook – Becky: Perfect if your wedding theme color is ecru. And if you’re serving cereal. Jeana: I would totally go to an ecru themed wedding that served cereal. Becky: come to think of…

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worst camera ever made

It’s the Polaroid X800. Horrible design, horrible interface, doesn’t work, is bad. The most grievous violations: Packaging does not indicate what additional items to acquire to make it work (batteries, MicroSD card) Does not have a wrist strap or place for a wrist strap — on a camera that is intended to be under the…

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